On February 15, 2003, I started this blog with a line from Babylon 5:
And so it begins . . .
I realized the other day that I had first written about blogs well over a year ago. In fact, the rise of blogs was one of my 2002 predictions for legal technology in my annual legal tech predictions article. As I was working on updating my web site (https://www.denniskennedy.com), I finally decided that I had to have my own blog. Thanks to people like Jerry Lawson, Sabrina Pacifici, the Support Forum at MovableType.org, it’s finally here.
Last year, my blog definitely had some demands:
It can be a little difficult being the parent of a teenage blog. The sixteenth was a little tricky. Not unexpectedly, my blog felt that a new car (not a used one) was the appropriate present. I think I was able to finesse this request by saying that if my blog found a car insurance company that would issue an auto policy for a blog, we’d consider it. So far, so good.
Because I don’t make a fuss about my own birthday (this blog was an early birthday present to me in 2003), I do make a fuss over the blog’s birthday. In fairness, my blog pressures me to do that. And it demands a blogiversary or blawgiversary post for each year, even though I feel I’m the only one who uses the term “blawgiversary” anymore.
As is my tradition, I usually have offered a small gift to my readers each year. If you will patiently read to the bottom of this post, you will find two small tokens of appreciation. My blog, on the other hand, likes gifts and has a seemingly endless need for attention, approval, audience, and gifts. It can be a trial to have a sullen teenaged blog around the house.
It’s been a good year for DennisKennedy.Blog, even though writing and publishing two books definitely took some writing time away from blogging. I wanted to highlight a few posts:
- Outside Panel Convergence: Innovation Driver or Innovation Destroyer
- Productization of Legal Services (2014 Version)
- Estate Planning for Your Digital Assets: Smart Planning for Your Digital Demise
- My New Approach to Speaking
- Book excerpt: Cybersecurity and Related Issues in Collaboration Tools
- Celebrating International Podcast Day 2019
- 57 Tips for Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law
- Talking About Cloud Computing 2019
- Now Available: Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law
- Make LinkedIn Work for You
- 47 LinkedIn Improvement Tips for 2020
- The Ten Most Popular Episodes of The Kennedy-Mighell Report Podcast in 2019
- The Official Launch of Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory
- Highlights from Reviews of Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law
1. FREE PDF Download of 57 Tips for Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law.
2. Until February 23, 2020, the price on the Kindle version of my book, Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law, has been reduced to US$9.99 (51% off) in honor of this blog’s 17th blawgiversary.
If you like this blog, you can always “Buy Me a Coffee.”
Finally, my blog is pestering me to add a link to the Amazon Wishlist it has set up for its birthday. If that’s some that appeals to you, contact me and I’ll get you shipping address info. With that, my teenaged blog seems a bit happier.
All the best and I’m hoping for another great year of blogging.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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