4 characteristics of an agile firm

The current COVID-19 crisis has highlighted something that has been
hiding in plain sight.

We must all quickly adapt to adjustments and the needs of the moment,
such as work-from-home strategies and disrupted court procedures, while simultaneously
altering business practices, such as implementing new tools and technologies.

In short, the pandemic has highlighted the power and necessity of
improvisation and adaptation—a.k.a. agility.

The good news: Agility is a small and solo firm’s superpower. Solo and
small firms have always needed to be
agile to sustain our practices up until now, and that agility will help us
weather the current storm.

4 characteristics of agile firms?  

  • Agile firms embody a culture that is collaborative rather than imposed from the top down. Agile firms reward innovative ideas and practices, and accept good ideas from any source—not just from the firm’s leadership.
  • Agile firms don’t always depend on tried and
    true methods, or the way we have always done things. Playing not to lose doesn’t
    work for agile firms; nor does sticking with the status quo. Agile firms
    innovate, experiment and learn on the job, embracing a mindset of discovery and
  • Agile firms find ingenious solutions to
    problems. They look for solutions that are scaled specifically to help both them
    and their clients. They need solutions that don’t involve a huge, up-front investment
    of time and money but that are available on-demand.
  • Agile firms swiftly and easily alter
    business practices, adopting new tools and technologies that benefit their
    practices in times of stability and crisis.

As the landscape beneath us continues to shift we need to be able to
adapt. But small and solo firms excel at adaptation, and know how to improvise
and succeed where yesterday’s rules no longer apply.

Small and solo firms have been practicing agility for years and now,
more than ever, can use that superpower to weather the current crisis and come
out stronger than before.

The post Why Small and Solo Firms Are Well-Positioned to Survive the Current Crisis appeared first on Discovery Genie.