Before the world turned upside down, one of the issues we were following was the Georgia v. Public.Resource.Org case where the State of Georgia brought a lawsuit claiming copyright protection on the annotations for its Official Code of Georgia. Our three podcast series (unintentional) started out with Tom Gaylord discussing the initial filing with the Court, Ed Walters and Kyle Courtney breaking down the oral arguments, and finally, we have today’s final episode with Ed Walters returning and bringing Cornell Law School’s Kim Nayyer, and the Legal Information Institute’s Craig Newton along to discuss the Court’s final ruling.
The Court ruled in Public.Resource.Org’s favor, but our guests aren’t sure how far the opinion actually goes to cover state material beyond the Georgia Code. Could it mean the end of deals between states and vendors like LexisNexis or Thomson Reuters? Does this mean that other materials, such as Regulatory Codes are fair game? We discuss… you decide.
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We spend the entire episode on this topic. Don’t worry, we’ll bring our Information Inspirations back next week.
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