One of my new collaboration efforts is the Exponential Law Community. I invite you to learn more about it and join here.
In one of first big experiments, Mike Cappucci, Dean Khialani, Shellie Reid, and I did livestream Zoom session in which we applied the FoundationLab / Exponential Law Community idea validation framework to the Community’s first Challenge of the Month. It will give you a great (live and unrehearsed) illustration of how the methodology and process works. A big thank you for Shellie for joining in and representing the “voice of the customer” and also bringing her own ideas to the table.
Our goal was to:
Let you observe how we apply our systematic idea validation framework to:
(a) establish an idea statement,
(b) articulate the core beliefs of the idea,
(c) identify the riskiest assumptions behind the idea, and
(d) prepare a plan to gather evidence supporting our core beliefs about the proposed solution.
Our Challenge of the Month was:
For recent law school graduates who have had their bar exams for this summer postponed, and perhaps their future employment delayed or terminated, where could they deploy their skills to both create value in the world and continue to learn and grow as legal professionals? What product or service opportunities does this challenge present?
What was most interesting to me was how much we worked on questioning our initial assumptions about both graduates and desired skills.
I wanted to share the final idea statement we settled on for our proposed service.
For recent law school graduates who want to build a baseline set of meta skills that prepare them for effective practice, we are creating a matchmaking platform that connects recent law school graduates with organizations who have micro-projects that enable students to gain desired meta skills, so that they have a headstart on their peers to hit the ground running with regard to the practice of law.
We decided that our most important assumption/hypothesis about this service for which we had the least evidence was:
We believe that law school graduates would be willing to take on a micro-projects outside of the legal field the summer after they graduate.
And we ended up with a great way to test and collect evidence on that hypothesis (not a survey) . . . but I’ll let you watch the video for that.
Note that we see innovation as a set of stages. Most of the time, people stay in the ideation stagee, but the next stage, validation, is where my head is at these days. From ideas to actions.
We’d love to hear your feedback, comments and suggestions – and for you to try to join us and try to participate in the next Challenge of the Month. Your suggested challenges are welcomed.
The Exponential Law community is built around the idea that legal professionals can better leverage their skills, knowledge and experience to deliver legal value at scale. Through the use of design, exponential technologies and exponential business models, lawyers of today have access to infinite leverage. Our community is comprised of legal professionals who understand that power, and are working to find new ways to support clients, and dramatically improve their own lives.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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