Dig Deeper

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The potential and capabilities of ediscovery software have been greatly enhanced by ediscovery AI. AI in ediscovery has improved the speed, accuracy, and reach of ediscovery efforts while decreasing the cost associated with complex litigation.

At Now Discovery, our Lumix platform makes the most of these advancements while maintaining the affordability and user-friendliness we’re known

Last year at the Harvard Legal Technology Symposium, renowned ediscovery expert David Horrigan recounted a slightly disturbing discovery tale. Back in the good ‘ol paper-based discovery days, boxes of documents arrived for discovery with the assigned associates and paralegals eager to delve in. Unfortunately, the boxes were filled with venomous brown recluse spiders, meaning

While cloud technology is a godsend to consumers everywhere, cloud technology can significantly complicate the process of ediscovery. Because a party to litigation is no longer in sole custody and control of their data, they may be unaware of where in the world their data is located, how to access it, or even who to

The Netflix Black Mirror episode ‘Nosedive’ took place in an alternate universe: Individuals were able to rate all their interactions with each other between one and five stars.  An Uber for everything – if you will. This rating determined your status in that society. 

Some have compared China’s Social Credit System to the ‘Nosedive’ system,