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Building a strong argument is vital for good legal writing. But sometimes, lawyers mishandle words that signal precision.
For example, you may feel the urge to strengthen your points with statements like, “most people believe…”
While this might give the illusion of a more compelling case, it has drawbacks.
Unsubstantiated Claims: the Bane of Legal

Two-factor authentication (“2FA”) is a small step for lawyers that will result in a giant leap in their cybersecurity. Below, we’ll examine how 2FA works and why its ‘annoyance factor’ is actually a benefit in disguise.
But first, let’s address why…
Cybersecurity is Vital for Lawyers
Cybersecurity is a topic that lawyers can’t afford to

In the fast-paced world of today, your time and energy are valuable assets that require you to create good boundaries in your business.
Setting clear boundaries is not only a personal necessity but also a critical business strategy.
Establishing Boundaries in Business
When it comes to running a successful law practice, boundaries are not merely

Lawyers need to understand what authenticator apps are to improve password security for logins.
Why use authenticator apps?
Authenticator apps, like Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator or Authy provide security that’s better than Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
That’s because they generate valid verification codes regardless of whether your phone is online (unlike SMS-based two-factor authentication (2FA),

The quest for accuracy in legal writing can sometimes lead to what can be termed as “the illusion of completeness.”
Meticulous Accuracy Can Be Problematic
While the aim to be meticulously accurate is well-intended, it can inadvertently hinder the clarity and readability of the document. This creates a tension between the need for precise details

Always remember this quote by Teddy Roosevelt:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and

Mental roadblocks are hard.
The worst create varying degrees of doubt, insecurity, confusion, anger, suspicion, fear, and instability.
Overcoming or reducing mental roadblocks is challenging.
If you’re experiencing any of the bad feelings listed above, you likely won’t want to address the problem alone.
But who can you trust? Or even feel comfortable talking to?

Law firm technology is crucial for operational efficiency and keeping things running smoothly. Below are the main considerations related to leveraging technology in your law practice.
Case Management Technology
Case management software helps law firms manage their cases, including details about clients, case information, documents, billing, and schedules. It improves efficiency and helps keep things

ChatGPT helps lawyers in many ways. How does it do this? Let’s begin with the basics.
What Is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT is a type of language processing tool. It creates human-like dialogue to make it seem like you’re having a conversation with another person. That’s not all it can do, though. It can actually help you

Getting a steady flow of good clients is a significant challenge for solo lawyers.
As the competition for legal services intensifies, lawyers need to find better ways to stand out as the go-to choice for potential clients.
Referrals are the best way to get clients
Getting more referrals is about staying top of mind. So