Latest from Filevine Blog

Have you wondered how to stay on top of all the latest with Filevine?  If so, this post is for you!
While other practice management software companies take years to make even the smallest updates, Filevine is consistently working on updating and improving its products. We regularly review the feedback our customers provide, using it

6 Adaptive Behaviors for the Remote Office
Good technology can move your legal office in the right direction. However, successful teams are also undergoing a dramatic cultural shift.
Not only do these changes support remote workers, but they can also enhance productivity, profitability, and work-life balance for all firms.
1. Embrace Centralization

When everyone’s in

The Horizontal Hang-Up: Why is Tesla Ditching Salesforce?
Recently Tesla began the process of ditching Salesforce, explaining they needed a “less cumbersome” way to manage their connection with customers.
With unique requirements, culture, and structure, they wanted a vertical CRM that was designed from the ground up for their needs. Salesforce proudly proclaims they can

DISCLAIMER: This is a general overview of electronic signature law in the U.S. as it stands at the time of the creation of this document. Because laws frequently change and because this document is not intended as legal advice, please consult an attorney before relying on any information provided.
An electronic signature (e-signature) is any

Over the years, legal work has changed. But those changes are accelerating in today’s environment. What once was a clearly defined role is now spread across multiple teams—and sometimes multiple departments.
In the past, legal work simply required an attorney and a paralegal (and sometimes an office support staff member). Today, legal work has expanded

Filevine’s Future is Supercharged with AI, Transforming How Attorneys Work

Filevine tracks every action in a project in the activity feed. Team members can communicate through comments and records and follow details such as who completed an activity and when. Having all this information in one location facilitates information sharing and makes it simple

Current intake practices place a substantial weight on intake staff. They must engage with leads to gather all the essential details, respond with polish and professionalism, and understand the markers of successful cases. And they have to do it fast — before the potential client signs with somebody else.
To make matters even more challenging,

Law firms don’t pick practice areas, They pick clients.
Every lawyer has experienced it: a satisfied client returning to you with a request for more legal work, but it’s outside your traditional practice area.
Of course, you can refer them to trusted colleagues. But increasingly, firms are exploring ways to expand their offerings and say

The Legal Work Experience is Broken
Nearly every industry has modernized its operations with click-to-order options, mobile payments, and instant communication with a real person in real time. But the legal work experience has failed to keep up.
Lawyers are spending too much time on operational tasks and not enough time on billable work. Managing