I am launching a podcast miniseries called In Seclusion.

The first episode dropped this morning.

This is a Marathon, Not A Sprint – Jim Calloway – Oklahoma Bar Association


In the inaugural episode of In Seclusion, I talk with Jim Calloway, the Director of the Oklahoma Bar Association’s Management Assistance Program (MAP). Calloway and I go back to my early legal days with the Oklahoma Supreme Court Network. He discusses the issues facing the state bar, the courts, and the members of the bar as everyone faces the reality of working from home over an extended time period.

Jim reminds us that this is going to be a marathon and not a sprint. Take care of your practice’s number one asset…  yourself. The primary focus on most institutions is “life-saving” processes, and that means the legal system is going to be backed up.

Products Discussed:

Remember, we may all be In Seclusion, but we’re in this together.

Host: Greg Lambert (@glambert)
Producer: Janice Anderson
Artwork: Dean Lambert
Music: Jerry David DeCicca
Twitter: @InSeclusionPod